Sunday, September 27, 2009

Getting Back to Healthy Sex

For any man, its important that he keeps his partner happy in the bed and out. Happiness flows both ways. For a man, pleasuring his mate can be a big part of his self-esteem. Its important that they feel as though they are man enough to satisfy anyone who they are with. The slightest off day can crush a guys ego and it can sometimes cause performance issues. We're more fragile than we let on.

If a guy has days where he has a hard time getting erect or being able to orgasm, this can cause tension between the couple. The woman may think it has something to do with the way she looks or that she doesn't turn him on anymore, while the man is embarrassed that he can't finish the job or for making his partner feel bad. If a guy feels as though something is wrong or if he is insulted it will be harder for him to perform right. The more stress that is put on him the less likely it will be that he will be able to finish correctly.

There are things that can be done to prevent these occurrence's and help those who have already experienced it. The key to a good sex life is communication with your partner. If you are having issues do not be embarrassed to discuss this with them. This will keep an open airway and no misunderstandings. She is not going to think you don't love her anymore and will actually help you through this difficult time. If its more severe than just a one time thing there are other things that may need to be tried. Trying new things in the bedroom can spice things up and regenerate drive, such as new positions, adding a few toys, oral sex, or maybe even a bit of porn. But make sure to talk this over with her as well if any of it might make her uncomfortable.

If once you have tried this it may be time to talk to a counselor or a doctor since it may be something health related. There are several different things that can lead to impotence or erectile dysfunction. It could be that you are just a bit overweight or out of shape and a simple diet and exercise may help. On a more serious note it could be high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and many other factors. Your doctor will most likely talk to you at first and then recommend blood work. A complete physical may help him to find the problem quickly to help get it resolved. Most cases can be solved with a type of medication. Remember be open with your partner and be ready to get yourself help if needed.

About the Author:

Many penis enlargement products can help prevent erectile dysfunction by strengthening the muscles and tissue around the penis. And yes, natural penis enlargement works.

Of course, there are many bogus scams out there, so you need to read our penis enlargement techniques to discover the truth.

Article Source: - Getting Back to Healthy Sex

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